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Removing Bias From AI-Generated Recruiting Content

I’ve spent the last four years researching how 100 years of bias in society has been mirrored into our job postings. By digitizing all that data, they didn’t remove all the systemic biases I’ve researched. They deployed them at warp speed. 

But that doesn’t mean you can’t use AI. In fact, I want you to use AI. 

I want you to know how to make AI your competitive advantage instead of a bias builder. You’ll need to find the right tools, learn what bias is going to come up, and how to address those biases first. 

That’s what I’m going to teach you in my free workshop on August 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time.*

What we’ll cover: 

  • Identify common biases in AI-generated requirements,

  • Free tools for removing bias from any recruiting content you create,

  • Effective prompts that generate quality results on the first try,

  • Create, test, and try free tools surrounded by smart people in a workshop format with me

August 6

8 Habits of an Effective Recruiter

August 13

8 Habits of an Effective Recruiter