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Key Metrics for Data-Driven Candidate Experience

The data speaks for itself: organizations that prioritize candidate experience achieve remarkable results, including a 70% higher quality of hire, 50% higher acceptance rate for offers, 38% more engaged new employees, and a 30% higher retention rate.

But how do you manage consistently great candidate experience at scale? Join us for a free webinar as we show how key candidate experience metrics cascade through an organization, explore the “pulse” survey questions that support those metrics, and show how robust feedback loops can provide the tools to optimize experiences and align recruiting stakeholders around common metrics. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to leverage data-driven metrics to enhance candidate experience and drive hiring success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the impact of candidate experience on hiring outcomes

  • Seeing which metrics each role, within TA and outside of it, can use to improve candidate experience

  • Finding out which “pulse” questions yield the best data 

  • Learning how recruiter and hiring manager metrics directly link to candidate experience

  • Discovering the benefits of aligning all recruiting stakeholders around common metrics 

July 23

8 Habits of an Effective Recruiter

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Navigating AI-Powered Job Seekers: Optimizing an Authentic Candidate Experience